Monday, August 30, 2010

Landscape with 3dsmax

Created with noise and displace

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

My First animation

Actually it's not the first. But the first was dog..
but it was very awful..
and this one is better..

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Architectural design

Maybe from the architecture aspect, it is not too good.
But, however, I can visualize it.
I hope the next one will be better.hehehe

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Landscape creation in Maya

This is my first creation in Maya..

So, take a look at it..
And if you have any idea, how to improve it.(ex : making it more realistic,lightning, etc)
tell me..I am happily welcome for it..Tell me the tutorial or the way to make it.
maybe by sending email.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

3ds max lagi (war)

This time is all about war, I'm designing the airplanes.
And about tank and the landscape. I use the landscapes from others.
But I know how to make landscape now. And hopes, I can post it next time.

Friday, June 25, 2010

3ds max by isk pro in action

The picture above is my tank design. It is designed with a little bit inspiration and tutorial from others..I think Kalajenking, it's the right name for this tank.
Its shooter can move back and front direction, rotate to right, left,back, and front.
And the head can move up and down 40 degrees.

The other one is my first interior design...It is designed for my own bedroom..
This is my dream room..I just designed it..not the reality..hehehe

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My First 3ds Max

This my Motorcycle design...This is my serious ones.
Made by Iskandar Fendi. And with the help from my teacher Pak Siswaniro for the rendering..

Friday, March 19, 2010

For Competition

ini poster yang saya ajukan, buat lomba Trans TV.

Acara Vihara Dhammacakka Sunter,DOREMI 6

PIN, Poster, Spanduk..
Made By Iskandar Fendi. Acara DOREMI 6.(temple activity)

Cover kalendernya, halaman ke 2

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Postingan lagi 2

iya..ini beberapa diantaranya
Saya mendesain poster buat pameran pendidikan sekolah saya...
lalu kalender tahunan sekolah saya...yang bekerja sama dengan Panin Bank
Dan konon katanya karena desainnya memuaskan pihak Panin dan mereka menambahkan biaya produksi kalendernya.
Saya membuat yang Cover depannya(hal 1), lalu belakangnya(hal 2), bulan jan-feb(hal 3), bulan maret-april(hal 4)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Karya-karya saya(March 13, 2010)

Ya, diatas adalah beberapa karya iseng saya
What have you see above are some of my art(doing it at free time & if I hadn't have any work)